Security Council Reauthorizes African Union Mission in Somalia for Three Months, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2614 (2021)


The Security Council has today adopted a resolution reauthorizing the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) until 31 March 2022, ahead of a phased handover of responsibilities to Somalia’s security forces early next year.

Unanimously adopting resolution 2614 (2021) (to be issued as document S/RES/2614(2021)), the Council — acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter — authorized AMISOM to take all necessary measures to carry out its mandate, in full compliance with participating States’ obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and in full respect of Somalia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity.

By other terms, the Council requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package in full compliance with the human rights due diligence policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces — through the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) and for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), AMISOM uniformed personnel and 70 AMISOM civilians, along with 13,900 Somali security forces, as set out in resolution 2568 (2021).

Speaking after adoption, Richard M. Mills, Jr. (United States) said he voted in favour of a three-month rollover in preparation for a reconfigured African Union-led mission in Somalia. However, he warned that given the threat posed by Al-Shabaab, delays in planning the 2021 Mission could jeopardize progress. Therefore, he urged Somalia and the African Union to use the time to fulfil the strategic objectives laid out in resolution 2568 (2021), pertaining to the size and financing of the reconfigured Mission so it can better face up to the Al-Shabaab threat, and work on building capacity so its forces can take over the security responsibilities. He urged all parties to reach an agreement before February 2022 to allow a new mandate to commence in March 2022.

Nicolas de Rivière (France) said he voted in favour of the resolution and welcomed the constructive approach of the African Union Peace and Security Council and its intention to contribute to the future of AMISOM. While the technical rollover allows for greater time for discussions, these must be concluded and an agreement reached before three months are up, he stressed. The Council must reconfigure the Mission by March 2022, and the electoral approach in Somalia must be carried through to establishing a fully legitimate Government for the benefit of the country’s people.

Barbara Woodward (United Kingdom) recalled that the Council, through resolution 2568 (2021), asked the Secretary-General — jointly with the African Union and in consultation with the Government of Somalia — to produce a proposal on the strategic objectives, size and composition of a reconfigured Mission. Noting that more time is required to achieve consensus on that proposal, she urged all stakeholders to use the rollover period to engage in good faith to reach consensus on the way ahead.

Meanwhile, Abdullahi Ali Yusuf (Somalia) welcomed the renewal of AMISOM for a further three months to allow more time for consultations. The Government remains firmly committed and is taking important steps to reform the security sector. He underlined the important exchange with the African Union and reaffirmed his country’s commitment to the Somalia Transitional Plan, which is the only road map to an AMISOM exit strategy. AMISOM must evolve into an African Union-led Mission, in line with the Somalia Transition Plan.