Kismayo residents urged to be wary of health issues during this rainy season


The heavy rains currently pounding Kismayo town has been seen as a blessing by many but the rain waters has made many roads impassable and disrupting traffic flow along major roads in the town.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism has called on the public to keep the environment clean during this rainy sesson and to prevent causing blockage of water flow passages along the town which could result in water stagnation.

The coordinator of the ministry of environment and tourism of Jubbaland state Mr. Shamsu din Mohamed Ali who held a press conference in his office today has called on the residents of Kismayo to take care of their hygiene, and every family should strive to keep their home and front yard clean to curb health risks as a result of poor sanitation during this rainy season.

The coordinator said Kismayo has been hit by heavy rains in recent days causing inconvenience in many places.

He said although the rains have affected the movements of people and vehicles on some roads, everyone should cease from dumping rubbish along water passages which could in turn cause blockage.

Floodwaters have accumulated along the city’s main roads rendering traffic along major roads impassable.