Jubbaland Ministry of Environment and Tourism celebrates World Environmental Protection Day


A ceremony to mark world Environment Day was held today in Kismayo, organized by the Jubbaland Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

The event was attended by the Minister for Environment and Tourism Aideed Saleban Hashi and the Kismayo District Commissioner.

Kismayo district commissioner Ibrahim Mohamed Yusuf (Timo-Jilic) said the trees and rocks in Jubbaland have been destroyed by the community and called on everyone to protect the environment from destruction.

Meanwhile, Ugas Omar Hirey, a spokesman for the Jubbaland traditional elders who spoke at the event reiterated on the need to conserve the environment and stop deforestation.

The Jubbaland Minister for Environment and Tourism, Aideed Saleban Hashi, said that it was imperative that charcoal production was banned in Jubbaland five years ago and that stern action would be taken against anyone found to be deforesting the trees in Jubbaland state.

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on 5 June and is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment.

This year, the theme of World Environment Day is “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.”