Former Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim calls for reopening of Kenya-Somalia border


Former National Assembly Deputy Speaker, Farah Maalim has called for the reopening of the Kenya-Somalia border in Wajir and Mandera counties to facilitate cross border trade between the two countries.

Government shut down the border close to four years ago as part of the security operations against Al-Shabaab terror group operating from the Somali side.

Apart from security, there were also concerns about drug trafficking and smuggling of counterfeit goods from across the borders.

Farah Maalim, who is contesting for the Dadaab Constituency seat in the coming August General Election said there is need to relook at the decision and allow cross border trade and establish customs offices in the border areas to levy taxes.

“The opening of the Kenya-Somalia border is not an option. We shall push for that and make sure it remains open,” Farah Maalim said.

“We can create a border economy and be in a position to eliminate cross-border insecurity. Currently, there is no sharing of pastures, economic resources or security intelligence between the two sides because the border is closed,” He added.

The former Legislator said that the opening of the border will support the integration in the greater Horn of Africa, thus important for the economy of the country.

Among the border points that were closed include Liboi, El-Wak, Diff and Hamuma in Wajir.