Jubbaland State Second Vice President inspects various revamped sections of the Kismayo International Airport



The second Vice President of the Jubbaland state of Somalia Abdiqadir Haji Mohamud, together with the Jubbaland Minister for Transport and Aviation, Abdullahi Dubad Shiil, the manager of Kismayo Airport, Abdirisaaq Aden Inshar and the airport security chief have today inspected the various parts of the Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan International Airport in Kismayo.

The Airport Authority extensively shared the ongoing operation at the airport as construction to give the airport a major facelift continues.

Various critical infrastructure projects at the airport, some of which have been completed while some others are progressing at a high level at the Kismayo Airport have been lauded.

The officials visited the newly revamped VIP section of the airport whose construction is expected to be completed soon.