Mogadishu mayor fires four district commissioners



The governor of Banadir region and the mayor of Mogadishu Omar Mohamud Mohamed (Omar Filish) has fired four district commissioners in Banadir region and appointing interim district commissioners.

A statement from the office of the mayor of Mogadishu read to the media by the spokesman of Benadir regional administration Salah Omar Hassan said that the district commissioner of Karan Abshir Mohamed Mohamud (Karan) has been fired, deputy district commissioner for security, Deck Hassan Sheikhow will act as the district commissioner.

Hamar Weyne district commissioner Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir has also been fired and will be replaced by Mohamed Ahmed Idow, the current deputy district commissioner for security.

Waberi district commissioner Abdiaziz Osman Jama has also been axed. Jamal Ali Mohamed, the current deputy district commissioner for security will remain in office until a new one is appointed.

Abdihakim Omar Abdulle, the district commissioner of Hiliwaa district has also been sent packing. Mire Salad Dhuhulow has been appointed as the new district commissioner.