The newly appointed Jubaland state cabinet sworn in today


The newly appointed Jubaland state cabinet sworn in today
The newly appointed Jubbaland regional state cabinet which was unanimously approved yesterday by the Jubbaland parliament has been sworn in today in Kismayo.
The President of the Jubaland State of Somalia, Ahmed Mohamed Islam, and the two Vice Presidents of Jubaland, the Speaker of the Jubbaland Parliament, were present at the swearing in ceremony of the new Jubaland Council of Ministers.

The chairman of the Jubaland Supreme Court has sworn in the members of the Jubaland cabinet.

Foreign affairs, federal and reconciliation minister of the Jubaland state Mohamed Warsame Farah Darwish who spoke on behalf of the sworn in cabinet, thanked the appointment and lauded the president’s confidence in the youth.

The president was able to give the youth a chance through appointments of young minister in the cabinet. This will create more jobs and stem youth the rising challenges in Jubbaland state, ” Said Mohamed Warsame Farah.
The President of the Jubaland State of Somalia, Ahmed Mohamed Islam, addressed the newly sworn in Ministers of Jubaland and said that co-operation with the council is important for the development of Jubaland regional state and the future of its people.

The president called on the members of the Jubbaland cabinet to work for the betterment of the community and result in development and that their job is to serve with equality and justice.
The cabinet was approved yesterday by the Jubaland state parliament with a majority vote.

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