South Korean parliament extends mandate of troops in Somalia

아크부대 9진 환송행사 (서울=연합뉴스) 박지호 기자 = 3일 오후 서울 송파 육군 특수전사령부에서 열린 '아크부대 9진 환송행사'에서 부대원들이 경례를 하고 있다. 아크부대는 국군 창설이래 최초의 군사훈련 파병부대로 UAE군 특수전부대에 대한 군사훈련과 유사시 재외국민보호 임무를 수행한다. 2015.3.3 15:22:37/

South Korea’s defense committee has approved an extension of the deployment of South Korean military units in Somalia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following a meeting in the country’s capital yesterday.

The parliamentary committee on defense has unanimously approved the government’s request to increase the number of operations in Cheonghae’s anti-piracy unit in Akhak.

South Korea will continue to operate in Somalia until the end of 2021 as part of an anti-piracy operation.

South Korea has deployed off the coast of Somalia 300 members of the group Cheonghae since 2009 as part of participation in international efforts to address piracy.

The 150-unit Akh-unit has been helping train special forces from the UAE since 2011.

Overseas operations are updated annually through parliamentary approval. The extension must be approved by the National Assembly.