Ethiopian federal forces open fire on protesters in Somali region, killing two


Ethiopian federal forces opened fire on protesters in the town of Ayshica, located in the Siti region of the Somali regional state, killing at least two civilians and injuring several others on Monday, according to eyewitnesses.

People have been protesting against various issues in the Siti region since Sunday, particularly the displacement of residents from some towns.

Protesters blocked the road to Djibouti on Sunday night, but the Federal Forces of Ethiopia later reopened it.

Ugas Mustafa Mohamed Ibrahim, an elder of the Isse clan, criticized the Federal Forces of Ethiopia, stating that they are part of the group responsible for displacing people from some towns in the Siti region of the Somali regional government.

The elder urged the people of the Siti region to protest against what he described as the Ethiopian Federal Forces’ massacre and displacement of the people in the Siti region.

The Somali region’s government has not commented on the protest and the killing of two civilians in Ayshica.