Parliamentary committee sets May 15 as presidential election day 


The Joint Presidential Election Parliamentary committee has set May 15 as the day when lawmakers in Somalia would elect the next president.

The announcement came during a meeting to elect the committee’s leadership.

The May 15 election date will also coincide with the 79th anniversary of the Somali Youth League’s founding.

Candidates vying for the presidency can begin registering between May 8-10.

Parliamentarians will listen to the candidates’ speeches between May 11 and May 12.

The group elected Senator Abdiqani Gelle Mohamed as the committee chairman following an election in Mogadishu on Thursday.

Senator Abdiqani received ten votes, MP Mohamed Ahmed Beerey obtained five votes, while Senator Abdi Ismael Samatar received two votes.

Meanwhile, MP Mohamed Kerow Mohamed was elected as the deputy committee with nine votes after beating Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimow. The latter received seven votes in the third round of the voting.

The First Deputy Speaker of the Upper House, Ali Shabaan Ibrahim, the Second Deputy Speaker of the House of the People, MP Abdullahi Omar Abshirow, and the two Secretaries of Parliament were present at the vote.

329 Parliamentarians from both Houses of Parliament will elect Somalia’s 10th president. The incumbent, President Farmajo, was elected in a similar indirect poll in February 2017. His official mandate expired in February 2021.