Jubbaland Women’s Ministry holds a networking and advocacy forum to enhance the realization of the 30 per cent quota for women


The Jubbaland Ministry of women and human rights has yesterday held a networking and an advocacy forum aimed at enhancing the realization of the 30 % women quota.

The forum which was held at Maamus Hotel in Kismayo focused on addressing and securing the 30 percent quota for women is realized in the Jubbaland state of Somalia.

The forum was attended by a host of women in the Jubbaland Parliament, the Deputy Minister for Women’s Affairs, the Director General of the Jubbaland Ministry of Women’s Affairs and traditional elders.

The forum was officiated by the Director of the Jubbaland Ministry of Women and Human Rights, Mohamed Hussein.

“The purpose of the meeting is for girls to be involved and to be given important seats. I also call on the elders to consider girls to be actively involved in politics,” Said Mohamed Hussein.

Meanwhile, Aisha Abdi Rahid, a member of the Jubbaland parliament, said women are diligent and therefore worthy of leadership.

“Somali women are hardworking, they are fair, they are trustworthy. We know that for sure. I think when she is in office and when she is in her house, the hardwork is the same altogether. governance starts with good character and I think we should take the lead,” Said MP Aisha Abdi Rahid.

The Jubbaland Ministry of Women and Human Rights has recently been working hard to ensure a 30 per cent quota for women is realized.