Jubbaland Ministry of Justice organizes a 2-day training on the empowerment of Legal Counseling to help Victims of Sexual Violence


The Jubbaland Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs has organized a 2-day training on the empowerment of Legal Counseling and Ways to help Victims of Sexual Violence Cases.

The training has ben organized by the Jubbaland Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs.

The meeting was attended by 15 women from women’s organizations, women in Kismayo neighborhoods and some of the ministry’s staff.

The meeting was inaugurated by Jubbaland Minister for Justice and Religious Affairs, Mohamed Yusuf Omar.

The training will last for two days and will put a sharp focus on ways to put an end to gender-based violence and other critical issues relating to women affairs.

Women’s commissioner for the Lower Jubba region, Fadumo Adan Kateela noted the important role the women of Jubbaland regional state can play in preventing cases of sexual violence against women.

The Jubbaland Minister for Justice and Religious Affairs, Mohamed Yusuf Omar who spoke at the event has emphasized that everything related to resolving gender issues has been largely mentioned in the Quran and hence the need to put an end to gender violence.