Jubbaland Ministry of Livestock and Animal husbandry Launches Modern beekeeping training in Gobweyn, Kismayo


The Jubbaland Ministry of Livestock and Animal Husbandry has launched a modern beekeeping training course for 15 people living in Goobweyn in Kismayo.

The 10-day training course for the 15 beneficiaries has focused on best practices of modern beekeeping.

The Director General of the Jubbaland Ministry of Livestock, Abdullahi Ali Farah told Radio Kismayo that the beneficiaries of the beekeeping training course are people who were already doing beekeeping business, adding that after the culmination of the training, the beneficiaries will be benefit from a wide range of modern beekeeping tools of trade.

In an exclusive interview with Radio Kismayo, the Ministry Director- General said keeping in Jubbaland state is important and can create job opportunities as well as being beneficiaries domestically.
The Jubbaland Minister of Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Mohamed Nur Ali, who officiated the modern beekeeping project, underscored the importance of beekeeping especially in Kismayo which he said has been popular in the past.

The beekeeping training has been funded by foreign, commonwealth and development office (FCDO) and was implemented by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

Beekeeping entails the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans.