Troops sent to Tigray Region is aimed at strengthening Ethiopia’s federal government forces, says President of the Somali regional state of Ethiopia


The president of the Somali regional state in Ethiopia, Mustafe Muhumed Cagjar has said that the reason for sending local government troops to the war-torn Tigrean region is a request from the federal government of Somalia.

Speaking to the BBC, the president added that the troops sent to the Tigrean region will take part in the fight against the TPLF and will strengthen the federal forces.

He also added that the Somali regional government forces are part of Ethiopia, and their salaries and military equipment are paid by the Ethiopian government.

In the northern Tigrean region of Ethiopia, fighting is raging on between Ethiopian federal government forces and the TPLF, and the Somali regional government has become the fourth administration to send troops to the Tigrean region.