Members of the Somali Union of Presidential Candidates spoke about the situation in the country, the youth who are still in Eritrea, and demanded that no more trust be given to the outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.
A statement from the candidates union has expressed concern on the youth still missing in Eritrea, who are said to have participated in the war in Tigray region of Ethiopia.
They also said it was unfortunate that the outgoing president had turned a deaf ear to complaints from parents whose children were missing in Eritrea.
The statement from the Union of Candidates further stated that the committee appointed by the Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is doing little on the issue.
“So, more and more information would have been available if there had been a functioning government and parliament system in the country to discuss these issues, the government and those responsible for their selection would have been interviewed based on the misconduct of these young people and their parents.we share with the Somali people that this event is not to be ignored and that it is their responsibility,” Said the statement.
The Union of Candidates has called on the outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is looking forward to another term to be stay away from playing political games with the Somali people and acknowledge his failure and violation of the National Constitution.
They said President Farmajo should resign from his current position and be barred from holding national responsibilities again in the country.