1,200 families in Kismayo benefit from Agricultural support by Jubbaland Ministry of Agriculture


Farmers in the northern suburbs of Kismayo have begun planting crops following distribution of crops and seedlings by the Jubbaland Agriculture and Irrigation ministry.

With people now very busy cultivating crops with the onset of heavy rains which has now begun. Many of the people in the northern suburbs of Kismayo are dependent on agricultural production.

The Jubbaland Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has supported the farmers in the North with crops such as maize, beans, sesame and vegetable seeds, helping farmers make the most of the rainy season and grow more crops than before.

Kusow Mohamed Abdi, a farmer in Yoontooy, told Radio Kismayo that he has been helped with seeds for planting.

“The beans, the maize is not yet ripe but it has failed. In the past we used to buy seeds in the market. Now we are afraid of getting the money we used to buy crops. Two hectares of farmland and three hectares used to cost $ 150. We are now thankful for the ministry’s help,” Said Kusow Mohamed Abdi, a farmer.

The Jubbaland Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was supported by AVSI with funding from the Italian Development Agency, and the project benefited 1,200 families in 10 villages between Goobwayn and Bulgudud.

Yoontooy District Commissioner Abukar Mohamed said Yoontooy has benefited 150 families and is a step in the right direction for farmers in Yoontoy.