The Junta that Ousted IBK from Power in Mali Has Been Dissolved



The Junta that Ousted IBK is No More

The junta in Mali which ousted ex-president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita from power last year following weeks of protests is no more.

As per a decree dated January 18 and obtained from a military official from sources of the ground, “The National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP) is dissolved.”

This comes five months after the military coup staged on August 18 and in response to the call on January 12 by the 15-member Economic Community of West African States — which has mediated Mali’s political strife, to disband the junta.

A call heard by Mali’s interim government — that sees Coup leader Colonel Assimi Goita as its vice president, and which is scheduled to rule for 18-month before staging general elections.