Somalia, Ethiopia discuss bilateral relation and media co-operation


The Federal Government of Somalia Minister of Information, Osman Abokar Dubbe has met with Ethiopian Federal Minister of Information, Dr Legesse Tulu in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to discuss bilateral relations and media co-operation.

Ethiopia’s Federal Minister of Information Dr Legesse Tulu has acknowledged that Somalis are currently at the forefront of new social media as Ethiopia is dominated by mainstream media.

During their meeting, the two ministers discussed the dangers of fake news on security and governance and how to work together to prevent it.

The meeting also focused on security, economic and media cooperation between the two countries and the two sides agreed to enter into agreements on these issues in the near future.

The Somali Minister was accompanied by Somali Ambassador to Ethiopia, Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama ilka Jiir and First Secretary of the Embassy Abdulahi Abdirizak.