Jubbaland Court of Armed Forces sentences suspects charged with ties to Al-Shabaab terror group


The Court of Armed Forces and Serious Crimes of the Jubbaland state has today concluded the last hearing of a case where 7 people were accused of working with the Al-Shabaab terror group.

The accused suspects are Mukhtar Abdi Adan, Mohamed Dahir Ibrahim, Jamal Abdi Mohamed, Mohamed Abdi Abdullahi Bajouni, Mohamed Farah Abdi, Ugas Saeed Saeed and Nimco Abdirisaq Mohamed.

The suspects were all accused of working with the ragtag militia group by the prosecutor’s office, where several pieces of evidence were presented before the court.

The chairman of the Armed Forces and Serious Crimes Court of the Jubbaland state, Lieutenant Colonel Abdullahi Mohamud Ibrahim, opened the court session and read out the charges against the seven defendants, one of whom was a woman.

After the accused suspects pleas were heard and determined by the court based on the evidence brought before the court, some of the suspects were sentenced to 10, 5, and 3 years in prison.