Traditional elders of SSC-Khatumo accuse Somaliland of misleading foreign ambassadors


The SSC-Khatumo’s traditional elders have accused Somaliland of spreading misleading reports to the world and the Somali community. The latest accusation comes one day after President Muse Bihi met with Western ambassadors in a video conference.

In a statement released on Monday, the SSC-Khatumo claimed that President Bihi informed the international diplomats that he would take his troops to the Oog area, but only after Puntland withdrew its forces from the Sool region.

The SSC-Khatumo statement labelled this information as misleading.

“SSC-Khatumo sees this as the Somaliland administration hiding from reality, as the Somali people and the international community are aware of the facts,” stated the press release.

The traditional elders reiterated that no Puntland forces are fighting in Las Anod town. They emphasized that the local people were defending the city from Somaliland troops.

On Sunday, Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi held a teleconference with ambassadors, deputy ambassadors, and diplomats from nearly a dozen Western countries, including Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the representative of the European Union.

The meeting aimed to discuss the situation of Las Anod town and find a peaceful solution. The meeting also discussed the upcoming elections in Somaliland.

During the meeting, foreign diplomats suggested that Somaliland forces withdraw from the broader Las Anod region.

However, President Bihi set a condition for the diplomats’ suggestion, stating that Puntland should withdraw its troops, weapons, and tanks from Las Anod town before further action could be taken.