A two-day quality infrastructure conference aimed at standardizing quality assurance opens in Mogadishu



Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister Salah Ahmed Jama has yesterday opened the inaugural Quality Infrastructure Conference in Mogadishu.

The theme of the two-day meeting which ends today was to lay the foundation for standardizing quality assurance for public safety and economic growth.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the importance of product safety for public health and the environment and urged the heads of the agency to expand their capabilities to ensure that products entering and sold in Somalia meet international standards.

The Somali Bureau of Standards (SoBS) director General Ali Yasin Gurbe, said that the conference would focus on developing regulations throughout the supply chain and working toward drafting legislation.

Participants will continue to discuss how to implement a unified process in Somalia to regulate quality assurance in Somalia.

Somalia parliament established the Somali Standards Bureau (SoBS) in 2020 with the Standards and Quality Control Act Law No. 27. The regulatory agency has been given authority to oversee product quality and consumer safety.