Garissa Governor Nathif Jama has promised to reach out to his counterparts in Kitui and Isiolo through the Council of Governors (CoG) to find a solution to the persistent pasture conflict between pastoralist communities living along the counties borders.
The ongoing drought has forced herders from Garissa to migrate to neighbouring counties of Wajir, Tana River, Kitui, Isiolo and Meru while others are crossing to Somalia.
The Garissa – Isiolo border conflicts have been the longest because the residents of both counties are nomadic who have been trying to keep their livestock alive with the limited pasture land available.
In Kitui, at least five deaths have been reported in Mutha area, Kitui south as a result of border conflicts.
Garissa Governor Nathif Jama has urged the neighbouring communities to find a way of coexisting with the herders who have been largely affected by drought.
“As the ASAL chairman I will talk to my neighbours from Isiolo and Ukambani so that we find a solution to the conflicts. Drought is a shared problem and we request them accommodate our people and livestock,” Jama said.
The Governor reiterated his commitment towards drought mitigation measures in addition to the efforts by the national government and other partners. The county is among the 23 counties that have been hard hit by the drought.
The county boss is this evening expected to commission the first batch of county relief food for the drought affected households across the county in addition to the water trucking efforts already in place.
The exercise targets to benefit 1800 households in 33 identified areas across 6 wards in Garissa County.
This will form part of the Ksh 40 million that have been set aside by the County government of Garissa to manage the dire situation.
The County commissioner Boaz Cherutich on his part warned drivers contracted by the government to truck water to refrain from selling it to the people.
“To those who have been contacted by the government, the water is not for sale because the government is paying for the allowances of the driver and also it’s fuelling.” Cherutich warned.