Villa Somalia Spokesman says he was misquoted on Somali-Egpyt GERD issue


Villa Somalia’s Spokesperson Abdikarim Ali Kaar said he was misquoted earlier this week when asked about President Mohamud’s position on the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile.

“I apologize for the fact that I was misunderstood and misquoted in the explanations I gave about President Sisi’s remarks at the Joint Press Conference alongside President Hassan Sheikh at Al-Ittihadiya Presidential Palace.”

Kaar added that President Mohamud and President Sisi agreed that regional disputes be solved peacefully through cooperation.

During a joint press conference following their bilateral talks last week, President Sisi said that the two discussed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance and “shared views regarding the danger of unilateral policies when implementing projects on international rivers.”

Sisi added that they also agreed on the importance of involving the Nile riparian states – which include most of the African Great Lake nations – in consultations on the dam’s filling to ensure their water supply is not harmed.