Five people reportedly died of starvation and thirst in Elwaq district as drought bites


Severe drought conditions in Elwaq district of Gedo region and surrounding areas has affected people and livestock, with large numbers of pastoralists displaced.

Up to five people have reportedly died of starvation and thirst, according to Elwak district administration officials.

“Livestock have no pasture and no water to drink, and they live on subsistence food, while livelihoods are skyrocketing,” Said one drought-affected Elwak resident.

Elwaq District Commissioner for the Jubbaland Administration, Ibrahim Guled Adan indicated that the current situation is out of control and needs to be addressed with utmost urgency.

He further said that the effects of the biting drought are not limited to the region and have spread to many parts of Somalia and at the moment there is no administration or government to come to their aid.

Elwaq district is the only district administered by the Jubbaland administration in Gedo region and its residents have been affected by the ravaging drought currently plaguing most parts of Somalia.