Puntland state President appoints Director –Generals of Ministries


The President of Puntland State of Somalia, Sacid Abdullahi Deni has issued a decree appointing two new Director Generals.

A statement from Puntland’s presidency stated that the Puntland state president through Article 80 of the Puntland Constitution has appointed Jama Hassan Abdulle as the new Director General of the Ministry of Labor, Human Resources, Youth and Sports as well as Mohamed Iman Abdulle, the Director General of the Ministry of Security and DDR of Puntland State of Somalia.

The appointment was said to be based on their knowledge, abilities and work experience and the need to develop and accelerate the work of the Government.

The appointment was done in consultation with the Vice President of Puntland State of Somalia.

This appointment of the two director generals will take effect upon the signature of the President of Puntland state.