Women in Kismayo benefit from awareness campaign on abuse and rape


The Jubbaland Ministry of Women, Family Affairs and Human Rights is conducting awareness campaigns on abuse and rape against women in the villages north of Kismayo.

The women are being educated on how to prevent themselves against violence meted on women and self defense in case of abuse or danger.

The women are also being advised to go to the nearest health center and local police station if they have been raped or abused and their evidence can be subsequently verified for immediate action.

The director of Children and Family Information Department , Abdulkadir Abdi Yare, who spoke to Radio Kismayo said the outreach for the women is critical and tremendously benefitting the women.

Parents from Yoontoy, Buulagudud, Qaam Qaam and Xaajiweyne villages in the outskirts of Kismayo town were also advised not to send their daughters to herd camel and cattle and fetch water alone for fear of abuse and rape.

The awareness campaign for women, which has been going on since late last year is expected to close soon and was supported by AVSI.