Puntland state President to officially address Puntland Parliament today during its 48th parliamentary session


The 48th session of the Puntland Parliament is set to officially open on Tuesday today in Garowe, the capital of Nugal region, after the end of the 47th session.

The opening ceremony of the 48th session of the parliament will be attended by Puntland President Sacid Abdullahi Deni, lawmakers, ministers and various officials from the administration who were invited to the forum.

President Sacid Deni will address the opening ceremony of the Parliament on various issues concerning Puntland state, the political situation in the country and electoral issues.

Members of Parliament have a variety of agendas, including the election of members of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament and the debate on DP World’s Bossaso port development agreement.

In Garowe, the final preparations for the opening ceremony of the 48th session of the Puntland Parliament are currently underway, and officials are flocking to the House.

General security in the Puntland capital of Garowe has been tightened today with most of the entrances and exits of the venue closed.