Jubbaland Second Vice President officiates opening of modern water well in Jana-Abdalle area


The Second Vice President of the Jubbaland government, Abdulqadir Haji Mohamud, together with the Jubbaland Minister for Energy & Water Resources, Ahmed Hussein Baraki and other officials today officially opened modernized water well that have been implemented in the area of ​​Jana Abdalle aimed at fostering rural resilience.

The modern water well will use pumps and filters to bring groundwater to the surface. The water will be used by the local community for drinking water, animal consumption and other purposes.

The well which was built by the Jubbaland Ministry of Energy & Water Resources will have taps in assisting locals to draw, a water storage tank, a water canal for animals to drink from, water pumping engines, diesel fuel and all the necessary equipment to facilitate the operationalization of the well.

The opening of the water well is part of the Jubbaland government’s efforts to develop water infrastructure to meet the needs of people of Jubbaland state.