Residents of Bulagadud, north of Kismayo faced with widespread water shortages after the Jubba river water receded


Residents of Bulagadud, north of Kismayo, are facing severe widespread water shortages after the river water receded.

Mohamed Sharif Abdi, a resident of Bula-gaduud, said the Juba River has now lost its water supply, citing a prolonged drought due to lack of water.

“The river has dried up, the water level has gone down, the water pumps have dried due to the river water receding. This is really proving difficult for everyone,” Mohamed Shariff Abdi told Radio Kismayo.

Bulo-Gaduud District Commissioner, Mohamed Abdullahi Abdulle also told Radio Kismayo that residents were suffering from severe water shortages and called for water assistance in aid of the villagers of Bulo-Gaduud.