Jubbaland Ministry of Finance unveils the 2021 Housing and property Taxation



The Jubbaland Ministry of Finance has yesterday unveiled the 2021 housing and property taxation as well as the training of staff working on the annual tax collection.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Jubbaland Minister for Finance, Kismayo District Commissioner and the Jubbaland State Minister for Interior.

Speaking at the launch, Kismayo District Commissioner Ibrahim Mohamed Yusuf (Timajilic) said it was important for the taxpayer and the community at large to get back part of the tax they paid for and good services that they needed from the government.

“The taxpayer wants to see something done in the city. This year we have been talking a lot about giving back to the community and we will do that,” Said Kismayo District Commissioner Ibrahim Mohamed Yusuf.

Jubbaland Minister of State for Interior and Reconciliation, Mohamed Mohamud Muhumed said the community needs to pay their taxes in the best possible way for better service delivery.

The Jubbaland Minister for Finance Hussein Hirsi Ahmed said paying of taxes and in good time helps the government in efficient service delivery and boosts government and citizens relations.

“I want to point out that tax plays an important in government services and I urge all citizens of Jubbaland state to take part in paying their taxes. Paying taxes will also play a big part in our overall security,” Said Hussein Hirsi Ahmed.