A 35-year-old cobbler in Jubbaland’s Kismayo town has encourages unemployed youth to take up lower jobs to earn a living.
35 year-old Mohamed Omar Osman is a father of six children and is among some of the cobblerw in Kimayo shoe market.
The shoe industry in Jubbaland’s coastal town of Kismayo provides a good source of income for shoes makers.
Mohamed Omar Osman solely provides for his family of eight children and mainly depend on the shoes he sells at the Kismayo shoes market.
His six children are in school and he has part with $ 45 a month for their school fees.
He makes up to 90 pair of shoes a month and sells each pair of shoes for $ 18 dollars. He uses imported livestock skin made into fine threads from Kenya’s coastal town of Mombasa.
Mohamed Omar Osman formerly used to work in a shoe factory but was fired after his co-workers made claims of unprofessionalism and good fine art in the shoe industry.
He later stood up and delved into the shoe making market to make his dream of being a professional cobbler into reality and earn a living for his family. He now earns handsomely from the shoes manufacturing.
The 35 year-old shoe cobbler has encouraged the jobless youth to take up low jobs so as to earn a living no matter how small it may be.