Bi-monthly legal aid coordination meeting held in Kismayo, Jubbaland state


The Jubbaland Ministry for Justice and Islamic Affairs has today facilitated a bi-monthly  conference on legal aid coordination meeting to discuss legal service provision for the less privileged and common citizens.

The meeting which was held at Madina Hotel in Kismayo was attended by the Jubbaland Minister for Justice and Religious Affairs Mohamed Yusuf Omar, officials from the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Human Rights.

The meeting was aimed at creating awareness on legal assistance provision and to understand how legal assistance works.

Dr. Abdishakur Sheikh Mohamed, the Chairman of the Jubbaland Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Jubbaland Judicial Service Commission said the legal system is there to help every citizen and praised today’s program adding that it’s a step in the right direction for legal service provision.
Jubaland Attorney General Mohamed Sheikh Osman who also addressed the meeting, highlighted the importance of legal aid assistance and its benefits on the common and less privileged citizens in fighting for their due rights.